Section 06 Part 06 – Signed Branches (BGE, BGT, BLE, BLT)


“Truth is certainly a branch of morality and a very important one to society.” ~Thomas Jefferson






These branches are designed to branch if larger or smaller than a specific value.  These deal with signed results, that is to say for using a byte; 80 is the lowest value whilst 7F is the highest.


So when comparing say FE to 02.  FE will be considered lower than 02.




The BGE Instruction


BGE – Branch on Greater than or Equal


The destination operand will be added to the PC, and the 68k will continue reading at the new offset held in PC, if the following conditions are met:


  1. The N and V flags are both clear
  2. The N and V flags are both set


Otherwise, the instruction is ignored.






This instruction uses the N and V flags together to detect if the result is greater than or equal:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          bge.s     Is20OrHigher

          move.w    #$0000,d0





We’ll pretend d0 contains 00009800, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 9800.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00000492.  The comparison is 0020 & 0492.





The BGT Instruction


BGT – Branch on Greater Than


The destination operand will be added to the PC, and the 68k will continue reading at the new offset held in PC, if the following conditions are met:


  1. The Z, N and V flags are all clear
  2. The Z flag is clear, but the N and V flags are both set


Otherwise, the instruction is ignored.






This instruction uses the Z, N and V flags together to detect if the result is greater than:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          bgt.s     IsHigher

          move.w    #$0000,d0





We’ll pretend d0 contains 00000020, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 0020.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00000492.  The comparison is 0020 & 0492.





The BLE Instruction


BLE – Branch on Less than or Equal


The destination operand will be added to the PC, and the 68k will continue reading at the new offset held in PC, if the following conditions are met:


  1. The Z flag is clear
  2. The N flag is clear, but the V flag is set
  3. The N flag is set, but the V flag is clear


Otherwise, the instruction is ignored.






This instruction is the polar opposite of BGE:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          ble.s     Is20OrLower

          move.w    #$0000,d0





We’ll pretend d0 contains 00009800, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 9800.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00000492.  The comparison is 0020 & 0492.





The BLT Instruction


BLT – Branch on Lower Than


The destination operand will be added to the PC, and the 68k will continue reading at the new offset held in PC, if the following conditions are met:


  1. The N flag is clear, but the V flag is set
  2. The N flag is set, but the V flag is clear


Otherwise, the instruction is ignored.






This instruction is the polar opposite of BGT:


          cmpi.w    #$0020,d0

          blt.s     IsLower

          move.w    #$0000,d0





We’ll pretend d0 contains 00000020, the CMP is word, so the comparison is 0020 & 0020.



Now let’s pretend d0 contains 00008492.  The comparison is 0020 & 8492.





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